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Showing posts from April, 2024
 Victorian Party Hello and welcome to the Victorian Party Easy Access point. The first thing I have to recommend is actual footage of Queen Victoria. Queen Victoria Arrives at a Royal Garden Party (1898) | British Pathé Her Majesty Queen Victoria. Last visit to Ireland. The only "Victorian" film.(1900). She looks really nice and she obviously loves her people and they love her. Hope this gives you a feel for Victorian Times. Just to make this legal ~ some advertising clive Christian  1872 Can't believe I found this, Victorian perfume is still available to purchase today.  The lid of the bottle is styled from Queen Victoria's crown.  This is a great find for a perfume junky or a Victorian history society member. click the link below if you would like to purchase or just browse out of interest . Have to say rose is one of my favourite fragrances which was one of the Victorian  favourites. The Victorian Party The Food  Wasn't