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Showing posts from January, 2024
 1970's Party What is a British/European 70's party and how to do it. Pre covid and during COVID-19 I started doing 1970s top-of-the-pop parties as they were fun but also a lot of the food was still available in the shops during COVID restrictions. Not really understanding the internet I just sort of did them, then on Pinterest, I discovered people had found them. Really pleased as I felt I was doing something useful to combat COVID boredom as I don't work anymore. WHAT IS A 1970'S PARTY It is basically a buffet.  But in a 1970's style. One of my favorite foods is black forest gateaux We managed to find a frozen one from Sainsburies.  Trying for a cheesecake this time as well. pickled onions and squares of cheese on cocktail sticks. cocktail sausage on cocktail sticks pork pie, scotch eggs. sausage rolls open rolls with beef slices, egg mayonnaise, salmon paste. and ham slices 70's crisps like prawn cocktail shells and cheesy balls which are actually low calorie