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 1970's Party

What is a British/European 70's party and how to do it.

Pre covid and during COVID-19 I started doing 1970s top-of-the-pop parties as they were fun but also a lot of the food was still available in the shops during COVID restrictions.

Not really understanding the internet I just sort of did them, then on Pinterest, I discovered people had found them.

Really pleased as I felt I was doing something useful to combat COVID boredom as I don't work anymore.


It is basically a buffet.  But in a 1970's style.

One of my favorite foods is black forest gateaux

We managed to find a frozen one from Sainsburies.  Trying for a cheesecake this time as well.

pickled onions and squares of cheese on cocktail sticks.

cocktail sausage on cocktail sticks

pork pie, scotch eggs. sausage rolls

open rolls with beef slices, egg mayonnaise, salmon paste. and ham slices

70's crisps like prawn cocktail shells and cheesy balls which are actually low calorie.

Jelly with squirty cream or birds trifle

You can sort of invent it depending on what is available at the post covid supermarkets, we managed to get black forest gateux and cheesecake this time.

70's drinks

You can still purchase some 70s drinks even through covid

Hopefully as covid retail is going away more of these products will come back.

We are trying to get Mateus, Cinzano and Gordon's gin, vermouth is similar to Cinzano

You can't say Cinzano without the famous advert with Joan Collins

This is how to do '70s snacks if you have already eaten like in Abigail's party.

click the link above for Abigail's party

or really ornate food like Fanny Craddock

Click to watch Fear of Fanny

This program from a popular TV series on food through history explains the British 70's if you are American.  Realize it is probably really different but hopefully as fun.

We also had a program called Top of the Pops, which had one notorious DJ.  But the problem is a lot of music history is tied up with this program and have to admit to really enjoying it.  Even purchased some top of the pops fashion.  The other D.J.s aren't notorious either.

click to watch supersizers do the 70's

Abba in Sweden

Every time there is a seventies party we have been watching Abba in Sweden.  Apparently, everyone loves Abba - we do too!!!

click to watch Abba in Sweden with Kate Bush, Roxy Music and David Niven

Wrote this up before and deleted it, but then found other people were enjoying it too, so thought I'd rewrite it.  

It has helped me learn how to put on entertainment as it was a task I was landed with, so quite enjoyed doing this as it has taught me how it works.  

Think I will always do retro 70's parties, hopefully, other styles as well once the food comes back.

(I do the healthy eating lifestyle choice, (well did before covid), where you eat healthy all month then have one day off and eat anything you want.  Usually do the slacked-off weekend diet as well.  Got told to be careful with that as the snacks can go out of control, which they had done.)

Need a 70's recipe book really.

Will leave this here this time, as it is a buildable idea and something we keep repeating.

You may want to try some of the more advanced recipes in the programs, you need the food to do them though.

Great fun!!!


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