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Hello and welcome to the 50's party.

The Kray Twin documentary points out how they were all hungry as WW2 rationing hadn't completely gone.

This means no food for the end-of-month slimming day off.

The only thing I could think of was Saturday night go for a meal in a restaurant and then to a bar or nightclub.

Sunday Night is go for a meal in a restaurant.

Romantic meal for 2 Sunday Dinner option

If you want to cook and can purchase ingredients I discovered the 50's had spaghetti bolognese and spaghetti carbonara.  I'd happily make both of those,  we had spaghetti carbonara at weekends when we hadn't any money as we were setting up our business.  We had that and a bottle of wine for £5 using the penny convertor and clubcard points.  You could serve it with full-fat garlic bread and a salad as your one-day off-a-month treat.  If you have a starter and dessert it would be maybe more of a treat.  Not sure what they had in the 50's so you could just do your favourite Italian dessert and starter I suppose.

Recipes for this option:

I wouldn't recommend ready meals at the moment as the last ones we had were awful.

Also, the last co-op trifle we had wasn't as good as usual so I left mine at the Victorian party.

We can't get tiramisu anymore.

Really not sure why someone has ruined the bit of food left that was edible.

Takeaway Options for the 50s day off slimming

Mcdonalds and fries or Burger King as in the '50s is when Britain got Wimpy.

Or Chinese takeaway.

Suppose you don't have dessert with Chinese anyway.

or Fish and chips.

This is how I used to do my day off actually.  Would go for a meal in a restaurant.  I'd rather do that again than be stuck at home.  The only problem is all the restaurants we used to go to shut down because of covid restrictions and social distancing ridiculous expectations and the ones near us sell horrible food we don't want.  Maybe we will find something.  Also, the bar we walked past looked really anti-social.  The world is a weird place at the moment.

At the Victorian party, we couldn't get potatoes, so we actually ate less than on a slimming evening.  

To complete the slimming calendar, the world needs to start feeding its inhabitants properly really.  And also realise we all have a right to be here and share the planet.

Hitchcock festival

You could just have a Hitchcock festival as I have found quite a few from the 50s and they are all free.

Never found free versions before so quite pleased with this.

Perfume Junky

Really looking forward to this, I save it up for the event and join in myself.  Not sure where it will go this weekend ~ apart from a few favourites.  The vendor of the Hollywood blog will get the commission I think ~ so purchasing it through her link.

Saturday night tv

I would recommend the Kray Brothers Film starring the Kemp brothers, (from Spandeaux Ballet).

The Krays


Saturday Gigs

These are modern gigs inspired by the 1950's


Sunday TV

Bell book and candle

Love this film, found a free version, but I already purchased the Youtube one for my collection.  

Yield to the night 

Never found a free version of this.  I purchased it and have watched it a few times.  I will watch it in the 50s and nostalgic Christmas.  It works as a film you can watch over and over again, so worth purchasing.  It could be a bit nostalgic if I'm honest and it is black and white.  I'm a film fan now ~ so definitely one for film fans.

2 of my favourite films ~ you can't really have one favourite film.


Sunday Gigs

An evening of 50's Jazz


Just add your favourite dinner and alcohol and enjoy!!!

The next party is an alternative Glastonbury party, been doing that myself for years as I like heels lol!!! 


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