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 Alternative Glastonbury/folk Concert/Monte Carlo Not sure what festival food is as I only went to reading once and didn't enjoy camping, so have never been to a festival since. I have been told it is takeaway food, but there are also healthy options like salad. For the alternative night off from slimming I would opt for a dinner date at my favourite restaurant.  Instead of getting upset you haven't a ticket or getting upset your area is quiet ~ go for a nice meal instead ~ then just order the food of your choice. Realistic Food Options until the above are possible again due to post covid. At the 50's party last month the chip shop was closed so we adlibbed we were in Italy for the 50's. Then adlibbed more and had frozen food. We had pizza, chips and some frozen defrosted strawberry cheesecake left over from the 80's party.  It went down really well as we had been on salad and diet food the rest of the month.  I had it watching Lovejoy ~ really enjoyable evening lol
 50'S EASY ACCESS POINT  Hello and welcome to the 50's party. The Kray Twin documentary points out how they were all hungry as WW2 rationing hadn't completely gone. This means no food for the end-of-month slimming day off. The only thing I could think of was Saturday night go for a meal in a restaurant and then to a bar or nightclub. Sunday Night is go for a meal in a restaurant. Romantic meal for 2 Sunday Dinner option If you want to cook and can purchase ingredients I discovered the 50's had spaghetti bolognese and spaghetti carbonara.  I'd happily make both of those,  we had spaghetti carbonara at weekends when we hadn't any money as we were setting up our business.  We had that and a bottle of wine for £5 using the penny convertor and clubcard points.  You could serve it with full-fat garlic bread and a salad as your one-day off-a-month treat.  If you have a starter and dessert it would be maybe more of a treat.  Not sure what they had in the 50's so you
 Victorian Party Hello and welcome to the Victorian Party Easy Access point. The first thing I have to recommend is actual footage of Queen Victoria. Queen Victoria Arrives at a Royal Garden Party (1898) | British Pathé Her Majesty Queen Victoria. Last visit to Ireland. The only "Victorian" film.(1900). She looks really nice and she obviously loves her people and they love her. Hope this gives you a feel for Victorian Times. Just to make this legal ~ some advertising clive Christian  1872 Can't believe I found this, Victorian perfume is still available to purchase today.  The lid of the bottle is styled from Queen Victoria's crown.  This is a great find for a perfume junky or a Victorian history society member. click the link below if you would like to purchase or just browse out of interest . Have to say rose is one of my favourite fragrances which was one of the Victorian  favourites. The Victorian Party The Food  Wasn't
 60s Party Easy Access Point Hello and welcome to the 60's party We found the 80's party link worked like Tumbler used to, so will load it all up here for you, just add your 60's fayre and alcohol of choice and enjoy!!! These are my film recommendations, but there is more choice for you on 60's party in Pinterest.  Click the links below. Saturday 23 March BBC4 One Night In The 60's - Late Night Line Up The 60's food option with this TV program is fondue, great if you have guests round for a party. Fanny Cradock Invites You to a Cheese and Wine Party (1970) | BBC This video is one year after the 60's but it has the fondue recipe which is probably the same recipe I would guess. The Entertainer - Tony Richardson | 1960 This film is an insight into the British seaside in the 1960's, you may remember it, or like me not even know about it. The 60's food option I gleaned from this film is fish and chips and champagne.  This is one of the day off options.  A
 80's party easy access post Used to do this on Tumbler but it wasn't working properly last time so giving this website a try instead.  Have added advertising to make this legal. Just add your 80's fayre, whatever you can get at the moment, till things get better, your favorite 80's tipple, (alcoholic or nonalcoholic) and sit back and enjoy your fave film, will put my film recommendations on here but you can browse Pinterest for loads more 80's film and Tv choices.  Then get up and have a dance in your living room to a top of the pops party and take in some or all of the concerts.  In the COVID lockdown, we stayed up all night till the Waterloo sunset.  Lastly ~ enjoy!!! Saturday 2nd March These are my film recommendations ~ there are more in pinterest.  You can also try these two looks out in the 80s party fashion folder. Get up and dance off the food and drink to the top of the pops or drink water and get fit and loose weight, You can opt to celebrate all night!!!
 How to do an 80's Party During lockdown, I started throwing online parties.  I was on my own and didn't fancy getting drunk alone.  The internet answered my dilemma and I put together the top of the pop parties and horror films.  It became a weekly habit and getting up and having a dance to top of the pops with a drink turned out to be fun. This evolved into a few Christmas parties and a 70's themed party at the end of dry January. A few teeny bopper ravers were a bit sarcastic about online parties, but don't knock it till you try it. In the early days of Twitter, they may have even been shocked. In those days I had to do the heavy drinker test. Really enjoyed the alcohol and music parties, but then I had to go dry and dry out. The 80s party is a bit more organised than the rowdy chaotic early days. Got the idea for this from supersizers do the 80's. 80's fashion ideas recommended from this documentary Sue shops at Peter Jones in Sloane Square It is now partner
 1970's Party What is a British/European 70's party and how to do it. Pre covid and during COVID-19 I started doing 1970s top-of-the-pop parties as they were fun but also a lot of the food was still available in the shops during COVID restrictions. Not really understanding the internet I just sort of did them, then on Pinterest, I discovered people had found them. Really pleased as I felt I was doing something useful to combat COVID boredom as I don't work anymore. WHAT IS A 1970'S PARTY It is basically a buffet.  But in a 1970's style. One of my favorite foods is black forest gateaux We managed to find a frozen one from Sainsburies.  Trying for a cheesecake this time as well. pickled onions and squares of cheese on cocktail sticks. cocktail sausage on cocktail sticks pork pie, scotch eggs. sausage rolls open rolls with beef slices, egg mayonnaise, salmon paste. and ham slices 70's crisps like prawn cocktail shells and cheesy balls which are actually low calorie